yearn finance – Finematics decentralized finance education Sat, 05 Sep 2020 11:46:58 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 yearn finance – Finematics 32 32 What are Yearn Vaults? ETH Vault Explained Sat, 05 Sep 2020 11:46:57 +0000


So what are Yearn Vaults all about? Also, how does the ETH Vault work under the hood and how can it bring over 60% returns?  We’ll go through all of this in this article.

Yearn Vaults

Okay, one more thing before we start. If you’re new to the Yearn protocol or if you need a quick recap you can check my other article on Yearn and the YFI token here. 

Cool, let’s start with the Vaults. 

Yearn Vaults, in essence, are pools of funds with an associated strategy for maximising returns on the asset in the vault. Vault strategies are more active than just lending out coins like in the standard Yearn protocol. In fact, most vault strategies can do multiple things to maximise the returns. This can involve supplying collateral and borrowing other assets such as stable coins, providing liquidity and collecting trading fees or farming other tokens and selling them for profit. Each vault follows a strategy that is voted in by the Yearn community. 

Yearn Vaults were created as a direct response to yield farming and liquidity mining that made searching for the highest yield much more complex than just switching between different lending protocols. You can learn more about yield farming and liquidity mining here

Similarly to the standard Yearn protocol, when tokens are deposited to a vault the user receives their corresponding yTokens that can be redeemed for the underlying tokens.

One of the important rules when it comes to Vaults or Yearn protocol, in general, is the fact that you always withdraw the same asset that was initially deposited. So farmed tokens and accrued fees are sold for the main asset in the vault. The amount that is withdrawn is the initial amount that was put in, plus the pool yield that was earned, minus the fees. 

Not everything that is deposited into a vault is put in a strategy. The vaults differentiate between vault holdings and strategy holdings. Most of the funds are used by an active strategy, but there is also an idle amount that just sits in the vault.

When a user withdrawals from a vault, the funds first come from the idle portion of the vault and there is no withdrawal fee charged. If there are not enough funds in the idle portion of the vault to cover the withdrawal, the funds have to be withdrawn from the strategy which results in a 0.5% fee. 

On top of that, some profit-earning transactions will result in a 5% fee to subsidize the gas costs. For community-made strategies such as the ETH strategy, currently, 10% of this fee goes to the strategy creator. So creating new vault strategies can be a good opportunity for a skilled developer. 

Fees that don’t go to the strategy creator end up in a dedicated treasury contract. If the money in the treasury contract exceeds the $500k threshold, everything over that amount is redirected to the governance staking contract. 

There are currently multiple Yearn Vaults available such as stable coin vaults: DAI, TUSD, USDC, USDT; Curve LP vaults: y, busd, sbtc; Non-stable assets: LINK, YFI, ETH.

ETH Vault

Now, let’s have a look at the Yearn ETH Vault (yETH) to understand the concept of Vault strategies better. 

As we mentioned earlier, a strategy for each Vault is chosen by the community. We’re focusing on the current running strategy for the yETH vault that may and will most likely change over time. 

In the current strategy after a user deposits ETH into the Vault, the ETH is put into a MakerDAO lending platform as collateral. By supplying ETH collateral to MakerDAO the ETH strategy can borrow DAI at 200% collateralization ratio, creating a collateralised debt position (CDP). This means that if 100 ETH was put into the MakerDAO with $500 per ETH, the strategy could borrow up to $25,000 DAI.

Borrowed DAI is then put into the Yearn DAI Vault that uses a strategy that deposits DAI to Curve’s Y pool that is a pool with stable coins consisting of DAI, USDC, USDT and TUSD. Now, because of the current liquidity mining program of the Curve’s CRV token, providing liquidity to the Curve’s pools and locking LP tokens in the Curve Gauge result in getting rewarded with extra CRV tokens, on top of standard trading fees generated by just supplying liquidity to a pool. 

The ETH strategy then periodically sells CRV tokens for ETH and uses the accrued trading fees from the Y liquidity pool to accrue even more interest.

These steps all put together can, at the moment, result in high returns of around 60% on your ETH deposited to the yETH Vault. 

Two days after launching, the yETH Vault had already reached 370,000 ETH locked in the Vault and it became the largest CDPs on MakerDAO. Further deposits to the yETH vault were also temporarily halted to balance between best profits and best risk adjustment.

yETH Vault has a great potential of sucking in more and more ETH and becoming pretty much a black hole for ETH. This should, in theory, increase the price of ETH as more and more ETH is taken out of circulation. 

Is that 60% in the yETH Vault sustainable? Probably not, it all depends on the current liquidity mining programs available. If there are no more programs, like CURVE’s CRV one, available or rather there is no interest in the programs so the farmed tokens are not worth anything, the return on the Vault would go down, most likely to a single-digit or low double-digit APY. 

One of the most important benefits of using Vaults is automating your yield farming. 

Yield farming can be a pretty time-consuming and expensive activity, so if you’re not willing to spend hours searching for the best yield farming opportunity, spend hundreds of dollars in gas fees to move funds around and keep monitoring your collateralization ratio, it is probably better to rely on the Vaults.


This all sounds pretty cool, but let’s not forget about potential risks. 

Besides our standard DeFi risks such as smart contract bugs and stable coins losing their peg to the dollar, the ETH deposited as collateral on MakerDAO is susceptible to liquidation if the collateralization ratio falls below 150%. 

In our previous example, if the ETH price drops below $375 the collateralization ratio would drop below 150%. If this happens the ETH Vault would have 1 hour to bring the collateralization ratio back to over 150%. The reason for this is that MakerDAO’s Oracle Security Module (OSM) gives the CDP owners 1 hour to put more collateral in before being liquidated. The ETH Vault is directly integrated with this module, so it can react to changes in price ahead of time by bringing back the collateralization ratio to around 200% every time the ETH price drops.


Yearn Vaults are clearly one of the most interesting new developments in the DeFi space, but like with pretty much everything else in DeFi, before deciding to use a particular protocol always make sure to understand the associated risks. 

So what do you think about Yearn Vaults and the ETH Vault in particular? Do you think it will suck up a lot of circulating ETH causing the price to go up?

If you enjoyed reading this article you can also check out Finematics on Youtube and Twitter.

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Yearn Finance And YFI Token Explained Mon, 31 Aug 2020 13:06:54 +0000


Confused about how Yearn Finance works? And what is the YFI token all about? You’ll find out all of this and more in this article.


Okay, let’s start with what Yearn Finance is all about. 

The main element of Yearn Finance is the Yearn protocol. The Yearn protocol, in essence, is a yield optimiser that focuses on maximising DeFi capabilities by automatically switching between different lending protocols. 

Before we explain the mechanism of the protocol itself let’s see how Yearn came into existence. 

In early 2020, the author of Yearn protocol – Andre Cronje, started looking into automating his strategy for choosing the highest paying lending protocol for his stable coins. 

Before the first iteration of the protocol, Andre had to wake up every day and manually check which protocol pays the best APY on that day and consider moving his funds to that protocol. There were always a few options available at a time such as Compound, Aave, Fulcrum or dYdX. This manual work quickly became repetitive and boring, so Andre started coding the first version of the Yearn protocol to automate the whole process of choosing the most optimal strategy for his stable coins.

Mechanics of Yearn

The protocol, in essence, creates a pool for each stable coin. 

By depositing a stable coin to a pool, the user receives their yTokens that are yield-bearing equivalents of the coin that was deposited. For example, if a user deposits DAI, the protocol issues yDAI. The DAI that is pooled together can then be moved between different lending protocols to always maximise the yield. For instance, if Aave offers a better yield on DAI than Compound, the yearn protocol can decide to move all or some of the DAI to Aave. The protocol checks if there is a better yield available at the time a user deposits or withdraws money from the pool, triggering a rebalance of the pool if necessary. 

If a user wants to withdraw their initial DAI + accrued interest they can burn their yDAI and receive the underlying DAI. 

One thing that the protocol always assures is to never swap the initially deposited stable coin to a different stable coin, even if there is a higher yield available. So for example, if a user deposits DAI, the protocol would never swap it to USDC, even if USDC has a higher yield. This is because most users want to withdraw the same stable coins as they initially deposited.

Further Development

After the initial version of the protocol was completed, Andre decided to open it up to more people who were also interested in automating their yield strategies. From the protocol’s perspective, adding more funds to the pool was beneficial as there were more opportunities for triggering rebalances with more deposits and withdrawals taking place. 

After the initial warm welcome by the community, Andre started working on improving the protocol itself. As the money in the pools started growing, some of the previously obvious strategies like moving coins into the highest paying lending protocol stopped working. Now, the protocol had to also anticipate what would happen to the APY if a large amount of funds are moved in, so it would have to also optimise splitting funds between different protocols and choose the most optimal solution. 

At this point, Andre also started working with Curve on the yCRV liquidity pool. yCRV pool contains the following yTokens: yDAI, yUSDC, yUSDT, yTUSD, making it easy to swap between the yTokens without unwrapping them into their underlying tokens.

By depositing stable coins to the yCRV pool, the users can earn trading fees for providing liquidity on top of getting a return on their yield-bearing yTokens.

Liquidity Mining

Up to this point, finding out what the best APY on a given stable coin was fairly easy. This changed dramatically with the introduction of liquidity mining with Compound’s COMP token distribution as a prime example. 

The COMP token distribution was also pretty much the time when all the yield farming hype started. If you need a recap on yield farming and liquidity mining, you can check out this article here

COMP farming basically changed the whole landscape of finding the best yield and checking the APY of a deposit was no longer sufficient. To find out the actual yield, you’d have to add up all the extra tokens that were being distributed. Finding the best strategies became more and more complex. 

With all the yield farming craze going on, Andre, together with the yEarn community, started working on another idea – Vaults. yEarn Vaults, in essence, are pools of funds with an associated strategy for maximising returns on the asset in the vault. Vaults strategies are more active than just lending out coins. In fact, most vault strategies can do multiple things to maximise the returns, such as farming other tokens and selling them for profit, providing liquidity or borrowing stable coins. Each vault follows a strategy that is voted in by the yEarn community. 

The full explanation of Vault’s mechanism is outside of the scope of this article, but I’ll write another one that focuses just on this super interesting topic, so make sure you subscribe to this channel to stay in the loop. 

YFI Token

Now, let’s talk about the yearn’s token – YFI.

To further decentralize the yearn protocol and allow other people to make meaningful decisions on the future of the protocol, Andre decided to distribute a governance token to the yearn community. 

The token distribution was focused on having a fair launch and rewarding the yearn community. 

To ensure a fair launch, the YFI token had no pre-mine, no VCs allocation and even no team reward. All the tokens were distributed to the users of the protocol. 

A 9-day long token distribution started with allocating 10,000 YFI tokens to the liquidity providers of the yCRV pool. The LPs had to stake their yCRV LP tokens to receive YFI rewards. Shortly after, 2 more Balancer pools were added, with 10,000 tokens each, totalling 30,000 YFI tokens. 

Regardless of a disclaimer that the YFI token has zero financial value, the money started flowing into the incentivized pools, topping $600M in locked value. Also, the YFI token itself started rapidly appreciating in value. This created additional risk as the author of the protocol was in control of the governance admin key, before the governance went live. This key could potentially be used to create more YFI tokens which would result in collapsing the price of YFI. This was quickly fixed by changing the single admin key to a multisig key, requiring multiple signers from the defi/yearn community. 

The YFI token, as designed, is extensively used in the yearn governance to decide on the future of the protocol with one of the most active and loyal communities in the whole defi space. There is also a lot of speculation on the potential future revenue from the YFI tokens that fuels the price appreciation. The YFI token increased in value from around $6 when it started trading, to over $30,000 per token less than 2 months later. Pretty much a parabolic run. 

Other Services

Although the yearn protocol, and most recently the vaults, are at the core of the ecosystem, there are also other services such as yswap, ytrade, yborrow and yinsure, that are outside of the scope of this video. You can look them up by checking some of the links I’ll put in the description box below.


Yearn is clearly one of the most interesting protocols in the DeFi space, but like with pretty much everything else in DeFi, before deciding to use a particular protocol always make sure to understand the associated risks. 

So what do you think about Yearn and YFI token? Did you manage to participate in their initial token distribution?

If you enjoyed reading this article you can also check out Finematics on Youtube and Twitter.

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